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Nantucket Neighborhoods

Each Nantucket neighborhood offers something unique for visitors.

At William Raveis, we live on the beautiful island of Nantucket year-round, and each of us have our favorite places and things to do on the island. Whether you are planning a vacation during the summer months or taking advantage of the off-season quiet, we can help you find the perfect Nantucket vacation rental in which to create your own memories. We’d love to help assist you to experience all the very best as you vacation on Nantucket.

Our Agents' Favorite Neighborhoods

"I love Sconset because of the small laidback quiet village feel. The rose covered cottages, the Sconset market for an ice cream, Claudettes for a sandwich or an amazing meal in the garden of the Chanticleer." -Jenny Gifford

"Miacomet. I love it because that is where a lot of family memories were made. My parents had owned a home on Miacomet Pond. We could kayak to the ocean. Miacoment has lots of great places to run and walk and it's near the golf course. It is just beautiful and so peaceful!" -Beth Jekanowski

"My favorite neighborhood is Surfside, not because of the great beach and bike path, but because it's where we came when I was growing up and it will always hold some of my best memories of swimming, body surfing, berry picking, fishing with my dad, beach parties at night and the much much simpler times of my past." -Sue Jemison

"Sesachacha in Quidnet because it’s a small neighborhood you have pond access next to the beach for children’s swimming and sailing. Quidnet beach is perfect for swimming, surf casting, walking, shell collecting, and if you look closely at night you can see the Sankaty Lighthouse beam come around every 7 seconds, a reassuring beacon of hope." -Melanie Gowen

"My favorite neighborhood is Madaket. I love the tranquility of the area, the beaches and the magnificent sunsets." -Robin Trovato

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